Quartz Mountain acquired of the Jake Porphyry Copper-Gold Property in December 2021.
The Jake Property hosts broad areas of alteration and precious and base metals mineralization characteristic of Cu+Au porphyry-type systems, as well as Au-Ag low-sulphidation epithermal type and Ag-rich polymetallic vein systems.
Modern airborne magnetic and geological surveying combined with the review of extensive data from historical geochemical, geophysical and drill programs indicate a strong potential for discovery of a major deposit.
Quartz Mountain has received Government approval for Induced Polarization surveys and core drilling.
The Jake Property was acquired in December 2021 by Quartz Mountain due to its copper-gold porphyry potential. The property is located located approximately 160km northeast of Smithers, British Columbia, and includes a 100% interest in four mineral claims as well as an option to acquire a 100% interest in five adjacent mineral claims from an external vendor.